Sunday, April 20, 2008


The New York Times has a very important article up for tomorrow's paper that confirms in detail what has long been suspected. This administration has been behind a well-organized, pervasive propaganda machine with the goal of brainwashing the American people to fall in lockstep behind their policies.

The Bush administration has already been caught paying journalists, and planting fake news stories on TV. And now, the Times has uncovered a far-reaching scheme involving retired military officers. Many of these military officials, after leaving the army, became lobbyists for defense contractors and other industries that bid for Pentagon contracts. As lobbyists, they told their clients that they could use their military connections to help them get an inner track towards lucrative defense contracts. Clearly, maintaining good favor with the Pentagon was essential to their livelihood.

Taking advantage of this situation, the Pentagon recruited many of these ex-military lobbyists to be "talking heads" on TV. They would get to meet personally with Donald Rumsfeld and other high-level Pentagon officials, -- which was good for business -- and the Pentagon would issue them pro-administration talking points. The next day, they would disperse and appear on CNN, Fox, NBC, etc..., presented to the public as objective ex-military officers, and parrot the administration's line. The public was rarely, if ever, informed of the fact that most of them were also simultaneously working as Pentagon lobbyists.

If any of them were ever caught criticizing the administration, their access to the Pentagon would be cut off. The Times uncovered emails showing that many of them privately had serious misgivings about the administration's story, but, as soon as the cameras turned on, they turned into loyal puppets.

These tactics are frighteningly reminiscent of those employed by the Nazis in their rise to power in Germany. I hope the media will resist the temptation to brush this under the rug. Obviously, they will be severely tempted, given that it speaks very poorly to their credibility. Maybe Clinton and Obama will start bringing it up in their stump speeches... That might force the spotlight on it a little.

Update: I'm excited. Kelly linked to my blog, so someone may actually read it now. :) Seriously, though, I highly recommend reading the whole New York Times article. It is quite long, I know, but the details are really damning.

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