Monday, February 25, 2008

Josh Marshall Wins Polk Award

Now this is cool. The blog that you (all both of you) may have noticed I link to most often just won a Polk award for its involvement in reporting and uncovering the recent U.S. Attorney scandal.

Talking Points Memo is one of the most important web sites on the many internets. It is different from the better-known Daily Kos because it features legitimate, high quality journalism to complement the editorial nature of regular blogging. TPM was also involved in pushing back Bush's social security privatization attempt awhile back.

Marshall now has his sites set on combating the GOP slime machine. He has a post up now wondering aloud how a smear from a blatant GOP dirty trickster can wind up becoming an Associated Press article, and then a CNN front page article, and now, a CNN poll. I will be keenly following whether Marshall is able to affect the process in any way. Already, he has clearly caught the attention of the mainstream press. If he continues to harp on them for allowing stupid GOP dirty tricks to waltz onto their front pages, maybe they will catch some flak for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See Here or Here