Thursday, April 10, 2008

Glenn Beck

It's not every day that I see something on the internets that makes my head spin, but today, on, Glenn Beck (!) of all people wrote an article that didn't completely offend my senses.

Now, this is not Pulitzer Prize material (nor remotely close) but he actually comes across as reasonable. And that's saying something, because Glenn Beck is completely insane.

Anyway, I felt the need to put this up here since I harped on him a few weeks ago. When a conservative talk radio (turned tv) host says something like this, I'll at least tip my hat:

If you want to teach our kids about Vietnam, that's fine, but you better also teach them about World War II. And if you want to talk about our wars, you better also talk about our welfare. America is one of the most charitable countries in the history of the world, yet our mistakes are always glorified far more than our generosity. That needs to be reversed.

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